OK, so I've had more questions about it than anything else, so I feel the need to let you all know that it's 'come'. That's right, the psyllium husk did it's work and I've been.. and, to answer the question, yes, it was.. GREEN!!! I came close to photographing it but I thought the awful 'before' pictures were enough torture for anyone reading this!!
So after a nice moment on the throne and a lovely post-work nap, I felt quite .. weird.. My energy levels felt low and I had the beginnings of a headache. It felt like the caffeine withdrawal headaches I've had in the past after periods of mammoth coffee consumption. Nevertheless I pulled on my running gear and hit the road. Getting dressed, I was tempted to jump back in to bed and continue my nap, but I'm so glad I went out. I ran for around 2.5 miles but stopped for good serious stretches twice and finished up with a good 10 minutes in the park doing sits and squats and push-ups. It's been a little while so I was very stiff, but it felt gooood, and I feel very relaxed now, and so pumped about making it out for a good work-out in the New York heat. I think that even without the juice, this amount of exercise would make anyone drop 7lb. With the healthy juice as well I'll be shocked if it's not more!
Someone suggested that I should add a weight item to my daily blog and it would give a good indicator of progress. I've decided against it for two reasons.
1) I don't think it would be useful or motivating for me to see that I'd dropped 1lb, worse still, nothing at all or, worse, added weight.
2) I don't own any scales.
I'll probably add an end-of week weight, but I hope that I'll continue to loose pounds over the next few months and reach an optimum weight before the summer is over. (Looks like I'm going to need the Turbo book!).
Today I ate:
1 Lemon Tea
1 Super Juice
1 Super Juice with Psyllium Husk
1 Turbo with Wheatgrass Powder
1 Mint Tea (lovely!)
Urges? None.. but opening the fridge and seeing chocolate bars and sauces did make me drool briefly.. but only briefly. I would usually walk into the kitchen four or five times a day and snack on something.. but I'm just not interested (or hungry!) so I'm happy to leave it alone.
I'm off to the TV with a lovely mint tea..
Thought for the day: How does one travel and juice. My work takes me to different cities every week and I always stay in hotels. There's no way I can carry around all that juicing equipment! Does anyone have any thooughts. Has anyone ever persuaded a hotel (in the US) to make juices for them? Comments??
re: travelling; try getting a vaccuum flask? The juices are good for some time afterwards, though of course not as good as at the time of creation.
Anonymous, at 4:02 AM
Thanks Anonymous! I travel for weeks at a time. I'm guessing I could carry a flask that would last a day at most.. but it's what to do on multi-day trips that worroies me.
Ed, at 10:16 AM
Yaeh a flask left over night in the freezer is even better and if you add ice to your juice it will keep much longer as the cooling decreases the vitamin loss rate!!
Anonymous, at 6:24 PM
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