Day 4 - Friday. I woke up feeling 'hungover' again (but with remarkably clean teeth - go figure! Anyone?) and reached straight for the water. Managed to prise myself from the bed feeling very low on energy and took a good run in the park. It was hard work and I just could not seem to get going. But I was out there and that's what counts.
I've been feeling 'wooly' all day and the headache has moved to the back of my head. It's not a bad feeling.. and not a bad headache at all.. just slightly distracting.
I really didn't feel hungry this morning (though I did have a craving for Bathazar Toast and Marmite) so I just had extra Lemon Tea and masses of water. I ended up going to the farmers market at lunch time before making my first juice at around 1.30pm. I'm really enjoying all the juices but adding darned Psyllim Husk powder does make that first one of the day a little too thick for my taste.
It's utterly bizarre to me that the King of Large Meals, Snacks and General Consumption of Anything That Looks, Smells or Feels Tasty (that would be me) could find this process so easy. I had thought about clearing out the kitchen of all the 'tempting' items, which, to be honest, would have been pretty much everything(!), but I've not been interested in anything other than healthy food. I'm never going to be a big lettuce fan, but I can see myself tucking into lovely salads when I'm through here, with avocado and fish etc and not really worrying about the fried chicken and cream buns..
I've been feeling 'wooly' all day and the headache has moved to the back of my head. It's not a bad feeling.. and not a bad headache at all.. just slightly distracting.
I really didn't feel hungry this morning (though I did have a craving for Bathazar Toast and Marmite) so I just had extra Lemon Tea and masses of water. I ended up going to the farmers market at lunch time before making my first juice at around 1.30pm. I'm really enjoying all the juices but adding darned Psyllim Husk powder does make that first one of the day a little too thick for my taste.

Is that lime pickle in that picture? I hope its been jucied!! Good luck with the program!!
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM
ENu, you're my hero! Here's looking forward to your next really good bowel movement. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous, at 5:19 PM
Wow, Im really impressed you have done 4 days!! Do you think you will go on an eating binge when you stop? Best of luck, you have done so well so far
(can I c the stool pics?)
Anonymous, at 5:26 PM
I have read this book, its very good, I only managed to do a few days and had to stop because I kept leaking into my jocks. Are you suffering any back door soiling?
Anonymous, at 5:34 PM
GG, you could spot an Indian condiment at 20 paces! And consume it, one bite, no chews!
Ed, at 11:54 PM
Charlotte, I have not been for a while! But when I do, I'll be sure to let you see.. (if you're really that interested!!?)
Ed, at 11:55 PM
Quite the opposite! I don't seem to be able to go (not that I actually *want* to!). More updates on this later!
Ed, at 11:57 PM
Thanks.. I'll keep you posted :)
Ed, at 11:58 PM
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