Apologies, dear reader for the lateness of this entry but, alas I was tied up with working today and unable to.. well, do .. um.. ANYTHING..
Ok, so yesterday I forced down 1 Super Juice in the afternoon, but it was only under duress (from the guys at the beach house). I simply have not been feeling hungry at all. My tummy has been churning a little but I truly don't feel like eating. Exercise yesterday consisted of a few games of Wadeball (beach tennis, but at a pretty competitive rate). It lasted 2 hours or so and I was exhausted afterwards. I guess that puts me a little behind the curve on exercise seeing as I'm supposed to do morning noon and night.. But it felt gooood and was more than I would have done in all three combined to be honest.
Last night I got home from the beach and drank a litre or more of water and went to bed.
Early flight this morning meant no exercise morning or noon, but I plan to head to the hotel gym here in Cleveland to 'top up'.
Today I ate... nothing... I have not been in the least bit hungry and have drunk a lot of water. No temptations, no cravings, just not hungry. I do feel like I could drink something light but now there's no access to juicy stuff so I'll have to carefully select something from the room-service menu. Any good ideas? Or should I just have lemon tea?
Should I be worried about this? It's my last day and I know I must have lost weight because I wore trousers for the first time this morning and I'm a full notch (if not more!) smaller than I was the week before last. I'm not sure where I'm going to weigh myself, but I'll find an accurate scale and report back tomorrow.
I feel like this week has been a great success. Despite my concerns about not being hungry and not 'going' I think that I've most likely achieved my 'physical' goal (not that I really wanted to attach one to this week, but something longer term) but more importantly I've created an entirely different paradigm in my head about what's good and bad to eat and I think that has come from 'buying in' to the Juicy philosophy. I know I need to eat less 'bad' food, but juicing seems to fill me up in a way that stops me from even craving bad food. Right now the only thing I'm looking forward to is a beautiful slab of white fish with maybe some leafy veggies.. It's the most strange thing in the world. I'll be so happy if I can work back to at least one juice a day and let the rest take care of itself.
Eating out has always been my excuse for not eating well, but I know that EVERY restaurant around has multiple healthy options on the menu. In the past I've just chosen to overlook them. That's a choice I can make differently in the future and I'm looking forward to giving my favourite places a try with my new 'eye'.
So, friend, reader, anonymous blogger, I shall report back later on any 'activities' for today (don't expect much), but tomorrow will be the weigh-in (where does one find a set of scales in random American town??). I'm looking forward to telling you the results, but I'm looking forward more to reporting back periodically that the weight is steadily coming off and that I'm continuing to love the juicy lifestyle!!
Whether I've lost nothing, gained weight or dropped a stone, I can honestly say that this detox has been a terrific success for me. Not because I lost whatever I lost, but because it's changed my attitude, my outlook and my approach to healthy living.
Juicing ROCKS!.. Now, if only I could find a copy of the 'Turbo' book in the states. I feel like it would be very useful.... Anyone?
Ok, so yesterday I forced down 1 Super Juice in the afternoon, but it was only under duress (from the guys at the beach house). I simply have not been feeling hungry at all. My tummy has been churning a little but I truly don't feel like eating. Exercise yesterday consisted of a few games of Wadeball (beach tennis, but at a pretty competitive rate). It lasted 2 hours or so and I was exhausted afterwards. I guess that puts me a little behind the curve on exercise seeing as I'm supposed to do morning noon and night.. But it felt gooood and was more than I would have done in all three combined to be honest.
Last night I got home from the beach and drank a litre or more of water and went to bed.
Early flight this morning meant no exercise morning or noon, but I plan to head to the hotel gym here in Cleveland to 'top up'.
Today I ate... nothing... I have not been in the least bit hungry and have drunk a lot of water. No temptations, no cravings, just not hungry. I do feel like I could drink something light but now there's no access to juicy stuff so I'll have to carefully select something from the room-service menu. Any good ideas? Or should I just have lemon tea?
Should I be worried about this? It's my last day and I know I must have lost weight because I wore trousers for the first time this morning and I'm a full notch (if not more!) smaller than I was the week before last. I'm not sure where I'm going to weigh myself, but I'll find an accurate scale and report back tomorrow.
I feel like this week has been a great success. Despite my concerns about not being hungry and not 'going' I think that I've most likely achieved my 'physical' goal (not that I really wanted to attach one to this week, but something longer term) but more importantly I've created an entirely different paradigm in my head about what's good and bad to eat and I think that has come from 'buying in' to the Juicy philosophy. I know I need to eat less 'bad' food, but juicing seems to fill me up in a way that stops me from even craving bad food. Right now the only thing I'm looking forward to is a beautiful slab of white fish with maybe some leafy veggies.. It's the most strange thing in the world. I'll be so happy if I can work back to at least one juice a day and let the rest take care of itself.
Eating out has always been my excuse for not eating well, but I know that EVERY restaurant around has multiple healthy options on the menu. In the past I've just chosen to overlook them. That's a choice I can make differently in the future and I'm looking forward to giving my favourite places a try with my new 'eye'.
So, friend, reader, anonymous blogger, I shall report back later on any 'activities' for today (don't expect much), but tomorrow will be the weigh-in (where does one find a set of scales in random American town??). I'm looking forward to telling you the results, but I'm looking forward more to reporting back periodically that the weight is steadily coming off and that I'm continuing to love the juicy lifestyle!!
Whether I've lost nothing, gained weight or dropped a stone, I can honestly say that this detox has been a terrific success for me. Not because I lost whatever I lost, but because it's changed my attitude, my outlook and my approach to healthy living.
Juicing ROCKS!.. Now, if only I could find a copy of the 'Turbo' book in the states. I feel like it would be very useful.... Anyone?
when do I get to borrow your juicer? I'd like to try a juice myself, though I'm not sure I could drink the frothy green things for a whole week. however, motivated by weightloss, it may work...
-your lovely cousin
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM
Congratulations for making it through and putting up with the smell of bacon sandwiches! I thought you were gorgeous before the ''juicy lifestyle'' change, and still gorgeous now..if a little more trim around the waistline! - perhaps this is my inspiration (if anyone can advise on doing this whilst working long hours in an office!) Keep at it Ed!! Love you!!
Anonymous, at 9:35 PM
gosh you've really motivated me...i bought the book a week ago and have putt off starting...wasn't sure if it would work and also frightened that I'd be hungrey. Off out now to buy a juicer.
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM
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